Kids Force
A safe, smart and fun program for school-
age children (ages 5-13 years). With
local elementary schools and districts
choosing to continue with distance
learning, LifeCenter Plus is here to help
provide a safe, fun, and supervised
environment. Our full-day and half-day
program options are offered within a managed
classroom-like environment, and provide the
support your child needs to stay connected with their
classroom teacher(s). Your child will stay engaged with their daily assignments and we will help them be successful for the school year, giving parents peace of mind!
LCP Safe Checks & Support
Daily temperature checks and COVID health screenings
Face masks required for all participating children and LCP staff
Extended hours available for before and after school
Flexible day/week options available for families
Supervised small groups with social distancing
Wi-Fi access and tables with clear dividers for safety
School work assistance/support
Supporting local elementary and middle schools